Monday, December 26, 2011

SEC to See Aggie Traditons

Come next year the SEC is in for a treat. There is nothing like the Aggie 12th man and the Aggie's traditions. Football in the SEC will never be the same. First, if you happen to be sitting behind the Aggie student section you can plan on standing the entire game, because they will be. As a sign of their readiness, desire, and enthusiasm the entire student body stands throughout the entire game. This tradition began in 1922 when the Aggies were so plagued with injuries after the first half of the game against Centre College that then coach, Dana Bible, was afraid that he wouldn't have enough men to finish the game. He then looked to the stands to former player E. King Gill to ask for help if needed. Gill agreed and stood on the sidelines the rest of the game. His readiness was a symbol of the willingness of all Aggies to support their team to the point of actually entering the game. In recent times the Aggie 12th man is represented by a walk on player who wears the number 12 on his jersey and participates on kickoffs. The Aggies also have a tradition of yells instead of cheers to support their teams. Regardless of who you are pulling for the Aggie traditions are sure to be a unique experience of all those involved. And so next time you are at an SEC football game you just may happen to see the some of the most interesting traditions in college football. Just sit back, relax, and let the Aggies say "Howdy"!

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